Allan Saw says:The shape cut out has to be slightly smaller than the diameter of the aperature. |

Allan Saw says:The shape cut out has to be slightly smaller than the diameter of the aperature. |
“Bezakanlah (jangan menyamai) perbuatan orang-orang musyrik, lepaskan (simpan) janggut kamu dan nipiskan misai kamu.”- Hadis riwayat Muslim dan al-Bukhari.
“Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyekutukan ALLAH membiarkan misai mereka dan mencukur janggut mereka, maka lakukanlah perbezaan daripada mereka dengan memanjangkan janggut dan menipiskan misai.” - Hadis riwayat al-Bazzar dengan sanad yang sahih.
“Sesiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum, dia adalah daripada kalangan mereka.”- Hadis riwayat Ahmad.
“Bukanlah daripada umatku seseorang yang lain daripada kami. Oleh itu, janganlah kamu mengikut Yahudi dan Nasrani.”- Hadis riwayat al-Tirmizi.
Malaysia confirms Muslims can attend Black Eyed Peas showAFP - Thursday, September 3KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - - Malaysia's government has reversed a ban on Muslim Malays attending a concert by US hip-hop band the Black Eyed Peas, a culture ministry official confirmed Wednesday.The Malaysian website for the September 25 event, sponsored by the Guinness brewery, had specified it was "restricted to non-Muslims aged 18 and above," triggering controversy in the multicultural nation.However, concert organisers Artists World Entertainment announced Tuesday that anyone was free to attend the event which "is open to all individuals aged 18 and above.""Last week, Muslims were restricted from attending the concert but the restriction has now been pulled back," the culture ministry official told AFP. He declined to be named and could not say why the stance was changed.Muslim Malays, who dominate Malaysia's population, are not allowed to drink alcohol while members of the Chinese and Indian minorities are not subject to such restrictions.The furore is the latest in a series of cases which have raised fears that Islamic law is on the rise in Malaysia, threatening its secular status.Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, a 32-year-old part-time model and mother of two, was sentenced to six strokes of the cane by an Islamic court in July for drinking beer.The government said the punishment was "too harsh" and threatened Malaysia's reputation as a moderate nation. It said the sentence would be put on hold while a review was conducted.There have also been moves to limit the sale of alcohol in Selangor, the state which surrounds the capital, Kuala Lumpur.Performances by foreign bands frequently come under fire in Malaysia, particularly from the conservative Islamic party PAS.The PAS has called for Danish band Michael Learns to Rock to be banned from performing on September 5, saying their concert would be an insult to Muslims during the fasting month of Ramadan.Sumber : Yahoo News
"dah xdpt lesen, jgn la pergi".
"dh kte nk lawan/protes mrk, mrk kne bg izin ke untuk kte lawan/protes mereka?"
ada pula yang mengatakan..kan ada habeas corpus
Utusan Malaysia memohon maaf kepada YAB Datuk Haji Nik Abdul Aziz bin Haji Nik Mat, Menteri Besar Kelantan di atas kesilapan laporan mengenai kenyataan beliau yang disiarkan dalam Utusan Malaysia pada 15 Jun 2009.
YAB Datuk Haji Nik Abdul Aziz sebenarnya bermaksud bahawa "nasihat beliau tidak semestinya didengar" ketika mengulas mengenai cadangan kerajaan perpaduan pada sidang media itu.
Oleh itu, tajuk atas sebelah kiri, muka surat hadapan Utusan Malaysia pada 15 Jun 2009 iaitu Nasihat saya mesti didengar adalah salah serta bukan menggambarkan apa yang dimaksudkan oleh YAB Datuk Haji Nik Abdul Aziz pada sidang media itu.
Begitu juga fakta berhubung perkara yang sama pada berita penuh mengenai kenyataan beliau itu pada muka surat 7, Utusan Malaysia keluaran 15 Jun 2009, adalah salah.
Utusan Malaysia dengan ini menarik balik dengan sepenuhnya kesilapan tersebut dan secara tulus ikhlas memohon maaf kepada YAB Datuk Haji Nik Abdul Aziz di atas kesilapan yang tidak disengajakan itu dan atas apa jua kedukaan atau pengaiban yang mungkin diakibatkan kepada YAB Datuk Haji Nik Abdul Aziz daripada kesilapan tersebut
Michael Jackson - hebat, kontroversi |
Jun 26, 09 10:51am |
Kematian Raja Pop Michael Jackson awal pagi ini akibat serangan jantung mengejutkan dunia dan dianggap sebagai satu kehilangan besar kepada para peminat dan dunia hiburan antarabangsa. Pegawai Koroner Long Angeles, Leftenan Fred Corral memberitahu CNN bahawa Jackson, 50, disahkan meninggal dunia dua jam selepas pasukan perubatan menerima panggilan dari rumah bintang tersebut. ![]() Lima anak Jackson - Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael - membuat persembahan bersama pertama mereka dalam satu pertandingan nyanyian ketika Micheal berusia enam tahun. Mereka muncul juara dan seterusnya menjadi kumpulan paling paling popular - The Jackson Five, dan kemudiannya The Jackson 5. Michael membuat album sulungnya pada 1972, dan album Thrillerpada 1982, yang terus menjadi lagu top 10. Albumnya dijual sebanyak 21 juta di Amerika Syarikat dan sekurang-kurangnya 27 juta di seluruh dunia. Penerima 13 kali Anugerah Grammy semasa hayatnya bergelut dengan pelbagai kontroversi, termasuklah dakwaannya memeluk Islam serta dituduh mencabul kehormatan seorang budak lelaki pada 1993. Pada November tahun lalu, akhbar melaporkan, Michael memeluk Islam di rumah seorang rakannya Steve Porcaro di Los Angeles. Turut hadir pada majlis itu penyanyi Yusuf Islam, pencipta lagu David Wharnsby dan penerbit album Philip Bubal. Beliau dilaporkan memilih "Mikaeel" - sempena nama malaikat pembawa rezeki - sebagai nama Islamnya. Abangnya Jermaine dilaporkan berkata, pemegang gelaran “penghibur sepanjang zaman” oleh Guinness World Records itu menunjukkan kecenderungan untuk memeluk Islam sejak awal 1990-an. pabila album ketujuhnya Thrillerterjual 109 juta keping, membina sebuah rumah mewah di Los Angelas yang dilengkapi dengan taman tema dan zoo persendirian. Kediamannya itu sering dikunjungi kanak-kanak yang kurang bernasib baik dan menghidap penyakit yang tidak boleh dirawat. Di situ beliau bergelut dengan kontroversi yang mendakwa beliau telah mencabul seorang kanak-kanak pada 1993. Beliau diseret ke mahkamah sepuluh tahun selepas itu. Bagaimanapun, selepas perbicaraan panjang selama dua tahun, mahkamah telah membersihkan namanya dengan mengumumkan beliau tidak bersalah. Michael menjadi kegilaan anak muda di seluruh dunia dengan suara dan penampilannya yang unik, selain gerak tarinya yang bertenaga di pentas - dikenali sebagai tarian robot dan moonwalk. Terakhir beliau bergelut dengan tuntutan saman sebanyak AS$7 juta (RM25.26) oleh seorang kerabat diraja Bahrain, Sheikh Abdulla Hamad Al Khalifa kerana didakwa melanggar perjanjian untuk merakam album dan mengadakan konsert di negara itu. Sumber : Malaysiakini |
P/s : Aku Doakan Roh bEliau Titempatkan dalam golongan org yang beriman...Amin...
Moral cerita diatas adalah :1. Sesuatu berita itu haruslah mendapat kepastian dahulu sebelum disebar-sebarkan.2. Jasa dan kebaikan sahabat selalunya hanya dikenang tatkala seorang itu telah pergi.3. Setiap perkara yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya.. :)
As Ordinary Business, to consider and if thought fit to pass the following resolutions:ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS1. To receive and adopt the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2008 together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon.2. To declare a First and Final Dividend of 6% per share less 25% income tax for the financial year ended 31 December 2008.3. To approve the payment of Directors’ fees for the financial year ended 31 December 2008.4. To re-elect the following Directors as Directors of the Company who are required to retire from office pursuant to Article 105 of the Company’s Articles of Association:i) Encik Bakry bin Hamzahii) Mr Chuah Seong Tat @ Chuah Chee Tat5. To re-elect Encik Mohd Nazri bin Md Shariff as Director of the Company who is required to retire pursuant to Article 99 of the Company’s Articles of Association.6. To re-appoint Messrs BDO Binder, as auditors of the Company for the ensuing year and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration.
GLOBAL WARMING: Earth Hour is a total farce
By : MOHD PETER DAVIS, Bandar Baru BangiAS the lights went out for Earth Hour on March 28, organised by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to protest against man-made global warming, our scientist family did exactly the opposite.
We switched on every single light in our energy-efficient bungalow in Bandar Baru Bangi. We held this mini festival of lights to say that mankind's increasing use of electricity has nothing to do with global warming.
My wife, a retired scientist, had been complaining all week about the unrelenting Earth Hour campaign on TV, radio and the newspapers.
She pointed out that it was mainly youth who are getting sucked into this campaign.
"This is immoral and an insult to everything we have achieved. I studied under oil lamps until I was 16. Electricity got us out of poverty and built Malaysia . It transformed society. If anyone messes up our electricity supply, it's back to oil lamps and padi farming.
"That's what our youth don't realise. But now the WWF is trying to convince youth to feel guilty about consuming electricity.
"Earth needs more and more electricity. That is how we measure our improving standard of living."
My objection to the Earth Hour campaign is also fundamental. Man-made global warming is simply not true; it is a man-made fraud.
Thirty-one thousand scientists so far, including me, have felt it necessary to protest against this fraud by publishing our names and qualifications in a properly conducted Internet poll.
There is nothing new or to fear about global warming. It is not caused by man's industrialisation, by over-development or "over-population".
Global warming is a perfectly natural phenomenon. Ten-thousand-year global warming periods followed by 100,000-year ice ages have occurred with some regularity for the last two million years and probably throughout much of the 4.5 billion years of life on Earth.
What causes climate change is the Earth's varying tilt and elliptical orbit around the sun and our solar system's long journey through the Milky Way, together with cosmic radiation from exploding stars. Most of this basic science has been known for 100 years.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is not an environmental poison but has been named by 10 generations of scientists as "the gas of life" which, by photosynthesis in green plants, gets converted to organic matter. The small additional carbon dioxide produced by industrial man is a bonus, not a threat to life.
Our rainforest climate is Earth's best example of the tremendous benefits of global warming and higher levels of CO2. Malaysia's constantly warm climate, high rainfall, abundant sunshine and high natural CO2 levels, caused by plentiful rotting vegetation, combine to produce the highest rate of biomass production in the world.
The kenaf tree in Malaysia can grow to five metres in four months. A new Malaysian grass plantation is producing sustainable one-metre cut grass for climate-housed cows every 30 days. This Malaysian invention, deep tropical agriculture, can transform food production and, with cheap desalinated water and electricity from new "inherently safe" fourth-generation nuclear power stations, can spread throughout the dry tropical regions of the world, even deserts.
Scientist now know in principle how to feed the population during the next ice age, which climatologists say will begin with a mini-ice age by 2050, within the lifespan of half of the world's population.
We must get back to the big science of my youth, like Atoms for Peace, the Green Revolution and the Man on the Moon mission. The very best investment from Malaysia's economic stimulus packages is a great increase in science and engineering scholarships at all levels for the best generation of youth in our history.